Thursday, May 5, 2011


Gosh I would love for these guys to come back. I just discovered them a couple months ago, but I immediately fell in love. Their songs are beautiful. They transition from fast songs, to slow ballads like it's nothing, and make it sound better than bands who focus on one or the other. Because the thrumming beat of the fast songs is perfectly balanced with crooning vocals. Sigh. And the fact that they only ever made one LP only makes me want it more. If I had a few albums to choose from, they would be easier to find and therefore less... exclusive? Challenging? Less of a priority maybe?  But I haven't been able to find Phantoms anywhere, which is driving me slightly nuts. And let me just say, I refuse to buy online or download. So unless I manage to track it down on one of my various trips to Portland, their cool factor will just keep going up while part of me mourns forever.
Of course, I'm still crossing my fingers and wishing on stars that they get back together (come on Jason!). Plus I feel a little bit of hometown loyalty since I live so close to Seattle. Just saying.
Anyways, I'm officially moving their album to the top of my list. And let me tell you, the day I get it, it will go in CD player in my car and will stay there for at least a week. Not to mention being on repeat on my Zune. But that's just how I am with CDs. I remember when I got Yellowcard's newest, When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes, I listened to it for two weeks straight before I listened to anything else. And when I did listen to something else, it was their other CDs. (Oh, and as a sidenote, the YC guys are big fans of Acceptance. Their cool factor doubled because of that. A big thanks to Sean M. for turning me on to them!)

So i'll stop my obsessive rant now, but is their any bands/albums that you feel this strongly about? I read once that sometimes you have to watch someone else love something before you can really love it, and I've found that to have quite a bit of truth in music.

"Could this be out of line? (Could this be out of line?) To say you're the only one breaking me down like this" -So Contagious

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Record Stores.

Record Stores are an "Endangered Species". Not really huge news to anyone paying attention out there, but terrifying to those who care. The closest decent record store to me, that i'm aware of, is 50 minutes away in Portland. Now I do feel very fortunate that I live in between both Portland and Seattle, so i'm not left wanting for a good music scene, but still, 50 minutes? That alone has led me to hope to open a record store in this town someday. A great record store, not some mediocre-lets-appeal-to-the-masses store.
I don't even need to bother to ask myself why good stores are so few and far between, (i'm lookin' at you MP3s), but it still sucks. Instead of daily trips to visit the beloved cluttered aisles, day trips are planned in advance with meticulous care. Album lists are made, plans of attack are created. Not saying that an entire day wandering through handfuls of record stores is a bad thing at ALL, but it just isn't the same as the owner knowing you by name. Plus the people at Fred Meyers don't usually care that the new Yellowcard album came out and they don't have it yet. Sheesh.
Sure, i'm not the most qualified music appreciator out there. I can't sort through piles of LP's and tell you paragraphs of background information on each band/artist. But I love music, plain flat and simple. And in my opinion, that's all it takes (As long as your favorite singer isn't a regular on Z100.
So anyways, i'm planning another attack on Portland record stores, so a few albums off my list are(I'm having to play a little bit of catch up here, so bear with me):

  • Taking Back Sunday- any and all that I find
  • Kings Of Leon- Only By The Night
  • Acceptance- Phantoms
  • Days Away- see TBS ^
  • Motion City Soundtrack- I Am the Movie, Commit This To Memory

Suggestions would be fantastic, open to basically anything. I am nothing if not an eclectic music listener.

"You can't find the beat, until you lose yourself in it." -Rise Against